Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer: Staff Basketball Game

3/9/2025 4:53 pm

We can't run this fun event without your help! 



Please note the Sign-Up Genius includes slots for both ATS and Tuckahoe volunteers, make sure you're signing up for ATS. 


Volunteer Opportunity: Our School Library Needs Your Voice!

3/2/2025 4:59 pm

The current draft of the APS budget proposes reducing the library assistant position to half-time. This would significantly impact the support and resources available in our library. We need YOUR help to ensure the ATS library can continue providing our students with the services and materials they deserve.


How Can I Help?

Please consider sending a quick email to the School Board at school.board@apsva.us It can be short and sweet – just let them know why you or your student(s) value our school library and why cutting this position would be a disservice to our children. Please see the attached sample letter for additional ideas and information, and feel free to use or adapt any of it for your own email!


Please spread the word by sharing this information with other APS families and neighbors. 


Thank you for doing all you can to support our ATS Stars!